Zone 2 Training in Cardiff

Zone 2 Training in Cardiff

Zone 2 Training in Cardiff

When it comes to selecting the right exercise regimen, the options seem endless—from an array of exercise classes to personal training sessions. Over the past two decades, I've dabbled in various forms of exercise, from sporadic classes to jogging, weightlifting, and mobility routines. While these activities generally felt beneficial, as your Cardiff CA chiropractor, I couldn't shake the feeling that my approach lacked specificity and planning.

I often found myself pondering two crucial questions: "Am I maximizing my time and effort in each workout?" and "What are my specific fitness goals beyond the generic aim of staying healthy?"

Ultimately, I identified two primary objectives driving my workouts: to enhance and sustain fitness levels, and to prioritize longevity—the ability to consistently engage in physical activity without injury or burnout. Simply, the ability to show up tomorrow and perform at the same intensity.

With these goals in mind, I set out to design workouts that were both effective and low-risk. My quest led me to delve into research, seeking evidence-based recommendations for optimizing exercise routines. It was during this exploration that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Peter Attia.

Dr. Attia, a prominent figure in the fields of fitness, nutrition, longevity, and health, has dedicated himself to researching and disseminating valuable insights in these areas. His comprehensive approach resonated with my desire to craft workouts that not only promoted fitness but also prioritized long-term well-being.

After reading a plethora of research from Dr. Attia and other experts in the field, I’ve boiled my training down into four separate categories:

  • Zone 2 training
  • High-intensity endurance training
  • Functional strength training
  • Stability training and joint mobility

This blog post marks the beginning of a series of four, each focusing on the unique benefits of various exercise modalities and providing insights into their integration into your training regimen. We'll delve into the crucial aspects of frequency, dose, and duration—often overlooked yet vital components when crafting an effective fitness plan.

Dr. Attia emphasizes the significance of these elements by drawing a parallel to prescribing medication. Just as a physician wouldn't administer a medication without considering frequency, dose, and duration, we shouldn't overlook these factors when prescribing a fitness regimen to patients. By paying attention to these critical pieces of the puzzle, we can ensure that our exercise prescriptions are tailored to optimize both short-term results and long-term health outcomes.

Zone 2 Training In Cardiff CA

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, most of us are familiar with the concept of pushing our limits, sweating it out, and reaching for that high-intensity burn. However, there's a lesser-known zone in the cardio spectrum that deserves our attention: Zone 2 cardio. This zone offers a wealth of benefits and can be a game-changer in achieving overall fitness and well-being.

Zone 2 cardio, also known as aerobic or low-intensity steady-state (LISS) training, occurs when you exercise at a moderate intensity that allows you to sustain activity for an extended period without feeling overly fatigued. This intensity typically falls within 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) or at a pace where you can comfortably maintain a conversation without gasping for air (but it should be somewhat difficult).

Benefits of Zone 2 Cardio

  1. Improved Aerobic Capacity: Zone 2 cardio strengthens your cardiovascular system by enhancing your body's ability to utilize oxygen efficiently. This leads to increased endurance and stamina, allowing you to perform daily activities with ease and tackle longer workouts without fatigue. In fact, most professional cyclists spend 85-90% of their training in zone 2.
  2. Fat Utilization: Exercising in Zone 2 promotes the utilization of fat as a primary fuel source. By training your body to rely more on fat for energy, you can enhance fat metabolism and support weight management goals.
  3. Reduced Stress on the Body: Unlike high-intensity workouts that can place significant stress on the joints and muscles, Zone 2 cardio is gentle on the body. It provides a low-impact option for individuals recovering from injuries or those seeking a more sustainable approach to exercise.
  4. Enhanced Recovery: Engaging in Zone 2 cardio on active recovery days can help facilitate blood flow to muscles, promote nutrient delivery, and aid in the removal of metabolic waste products. This accelerates the recovery process, allowing you to bounce back stronger for your next workout.
  5. Mental Well-being: Zone 2 cardio offers a chance to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and engage in mindful movement. The rhythmic nature of aerobic exercise can promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve mood, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Recommendations for Zone 2 Cardio

While the optimal amount of Zone 2 cardio may vary depending on individual fitness levels, goals, and preferences, a general guideline to aim for is:

  • Frequency: Incorporate Zone 2 cardio into your weekly routine, aiming for 2-4 sessions per week.
  • Duration: Start with 30-60 minutes per session and gradually increase the duration as your fitness improves. Aim for 200-250 minutes weekly.
  • Intensity: Maintain a heart rate within 60-70% of your MHR range or a perceived exertion level where you can hold a conversation but feel a little annoyed to do so.
  • Variety: Mix up your activities to keep things interesting. Options include brisk walking, cycling, swimming, rowing, or using cardio machines like ellipticals or stair climbers.

My personal favorite: Rucking. For those of you who have not had the pleasure, this is simply filling a backpack (rucksack) with weight, and going for a walk or hike. This has been great in adding strength and stamina to my workouts. For more on the benefits of rucking, check out the link here.

Final Thoughts

Zone 2 cardio may not always grab the headlines like its high-intensity counterparts, but its impact on overall health and fitness is undeniable. By incorporating moderate-intensity aerobic exercise into your routine and embracing the benefits it offers, you can take significant strides toward achieving your fitness goals while enjoying a balanced and sustainable approach to exercise.


8:00am - 6:00pm

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8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 7:00pm

8:00am - 4:30pm

By Appointment Only

Catalyst Health

230 Birmingham Dr
Cardiff, CA 92007

(760) 334-3699